Selasa, 11 Oktober 2022

Ajax, Tartaglia, and Childe

16 Facts about Ed Sheeran:

- Tartaglia describes himself as "kind of a bad guy", living for the thrill of a fight and causing chaos. 

- As a child, Tartaglia was frightened and hesitant, but he secretly desired to become an adventurer like the ones his father told him about as they fished together. 

- After falling into The Abyss and meeting and training with Skirk, Tartaglia's personality drastically changed. Although he appears to relatively friendly on the surface, Tartaglia is a bloodthirsty warrior. 

- The Abyss and his old master, Skirk, made him self-confident, solipsistic, and brash, thriving on the sensation of being alive. A warrior at heart, he constantly seeks ways to grow stronger, regardless of how he obtains said power. 

- Tartaglia considers those who wish to become strong like him to be friends and takes pleasure in battling them on the battlefield. He lusts for combat and grows excited by fighting strong opponents, even if it could mean dying in the process.

- He uses bows because he is weakest with them, making his victories with them all the more exhilarating.

- Because of his pride, Tartaglia is exceptionally reliable at accomplishing the tasks given to him, no matter how difficult they may be or if they go against his values. This, combined with his straightforward nature, makes him rather easy to manipulate. 

- Despite disliking how his plan in Liyue Harbor could potentially harm innocents, he puts it into motion to fulfill his mission in Liyue — only to learn he was meant to fail as part of an even larger plan he was not privy to, much to his consternation.

- Amongst the rest of the Harbingers, Tartaglia is considered an oddball. While his fellow Harbingers prefer clandestine operations and staying behind the scenes, Tartaglia favors being front and center. 

- He is a public figure known for attending social gatherings and even participates as an actor in plays and theater. As a result, Childe's coworkers are wary of him, while he holds them in disdain for their schemes and "intangible" methods. 

- While he is easily capable of scheming, he only resorts to such approaches when necessary due to his straightforward nature. ---

- He also appears to treat his subordinates less harshly than the rest of the Harbingers, stating that he doesn't use lethal force against the recruits in his care nor does he threaten any of them.

- Tartaglia dedicates himself to those he cares about wholeheartedly. He is unquestionably loyal to the Tsaritsa and holds her in high esteem, seeing himself as her weapon of war. 

- He also cares deeply for his family; he sends money, gifts, and letters home often. Tartaglia is exceptionally proud of his three younger siblings and dotes on them frequently, especially his youngest brother Teucer — he is willing to lie and even put himself in mortal danger, so as long as it makes him happy.  

- Although he was once on good terms with Zhongli (even allowing the former Archon to use him as financial support), he seems to have taken his deception personally, stating he will only forgive him if he agrees to trial by combat.

- Zhongli appears to be unaware of Tartaglia's change in opinion, being under the impression he will still meet him for drinks to catch up after the recent Liyue events.

Sekian dari Author, semoga resin kalian selalu penuh, selalu menang 50/50, dan selalu dapat stats terbaik di Artifact kalian. 

Saya Ruyi. Sampai ketemu di lain waktu. 

Continue reading Ajax, Tartaglia, and Childe

Presenting the Eleventh of The Fatui Harbingers, Tartaglia!

Today's post will be quite different from previous ones. To be frank I'm quite tightly squeezed here by deadlines so I'm choosing the easier way. 

A little bird told me that our dear Ed Sheeran will be having a rerun soon, the god of reruns finally returns! If it isn't obvious how Childe is Hoyoverse's golden boy by now then I don't know who is.

Well, let's begin shall we? 

Tartaglia, also known as his codename Childe is a playable Hydro character. He is the Eleventh of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers. Following danger wherever he goes, Childe is always eager for a challenge, making him extremely dangerous despite being the youngest member.

- His normal attack performs up to 6 consecutive shots with a bow. 

- His charged attack performs a more precised Perform a more precise Aimed Shot with increased DMG.

- While aiming, the power of Hydro will accumulate on the arrowhead. An arrow fully charged with the torrent will deal Hydro DMG and apply the Riptide status.

- Opponents affected by Riptide will suffer from AoE Hydro DMG effects when attacked by Tartaglia in various ways. DMG dealt in this way is considered Normal Attack DMG.

- Riptide Flash: A fully-charged Aimed Shot that hits an opponent affected by Riptide deals consecutive bouts of AoE DMG. Can occur once every 0.7s.

- Riptide Burst: Defeating an opponent affected by Riptide creates a Hydro burst that inflicts the Riptide status on nearby opponents hit.

- His plunging attack fires off a shower of arrows in mid-air before falling and striking the ground, dealing AoE DMG upon impact.
When Tartaglia is in Foul Legacy: Raging Tide's Melee Stance, he cannot perform a plunging attack.

- His elemental skill, Foul Legacy : Raging Tide, unleashes a set of weaponry made of pure water, dealing Hydro DMG to surrounding opponents and entering Melee Stance.
In this Stance, Tartaglia's Normal and Charged Attacks are converted to Hydro DMG that cannot be overridden by any other elemental infusion and change as follows:

1. Normal Attack
Perform up to 6 consecutive Hydro strikes.

2. Charged Attack
Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to unleash a cross slash, dealing Hydro DMG.

3. Riptide Slash
Hitting an opponent affected by Riptide with a melee attack unleashes a Riptide Slash that deals AoE Hydro DMG. DMG dealt in this way is considered Elemental Skill DMG, and can only occur once every 1.5s.

- After 30s, or when the ability is unleashed again, this skill will end. Tartaglia will return to his Ranged Stance and this ability will enter cooldown. 

- The longer Tartaglia stays in his Melee Stance, the longer the CD. If the return to a ranged stance occurs automatically after 30s, the CD is even longer.

- Elemental Burst, Havoc : Obliteration
Performs different attacks based on what stance Tartaglia is in when casting.

1. Ranged Stance: Flash of Havoc
Swiftly fires a Hydro-imbued magic arrow, dealing AoE Hydro DMG and applying the Riptide status.
Returns a portion of its Energy Cost after use.

2. Melee Stance: Light of Obliteration
Performs a slash with a large AoE, dealing massive Hydro DMG to all surrounding opponents, which triggers Riptide Blast.

3. Riptide Blast
When the obliterating waters hit an opponent affected by Riptide, it clears their Riptide status and triggers a Hydro Explosion that deals AoE Hydro DMG.
DMG dealt in this way is considered Elemental Burst DMG.

- His first ascension passive is Never Ending, which extends riptide duration by 5 seconds. 

- His 4th ascension passibe is Sword of Torrents, Tartaglia is in Foul Legacy: Raging Tide's Melee stance, on dealing a CRIT hit, Normal and Charged Attacks apply the Riptide status effects to opponents.

- Lastly his Utility Passive is Master of Weaponry which increases your own party member' Normal Attack Level by 1.

His kit is interesting due to the two states he can change into with just a tap of his elemental skill. But it also must be noted that this can be confusing to those not familliar with his playstyle. He's definitely a full Hydro DPS. 

That's about it from me. 

Sekian dari Author, semoga resin kalian selalu penuh, selalu menang 50/50, dan selalu dapat stats terbaik di Artifact kalian. 

Saya Ruyi. Sampai ketemu di lain waktu. 

Continue reading Presenting the Eleventh of The Fatui Harbingers, Tartaglia!

Artifact Strongbox. Penyelamat karakter

Artifact Strongbox dapat dibuat melalui Mystic Offerings yang dapat diakses dari Crafting Bench. Mystic Offerings bisa diakses saat menyampai Adventure Rank 45.
Setelah update version 3.0 ada total 10 Artifact Strongbox yang ditambahkan ke dalam Mystic Offerings. Dan membuat jumlah keseluruhan Artifact Strongbox menjadi 14 jenis Artifacts yang berbeda. 

Setiap 3 Artifact bintang 5 yang diserahkan akan menghasilkan satu Artifact Strongbox, yang menyimpan satu artifact acak dari satu set tertentu. 

Fitur ini mungkin salah satu fitur yang sangat mempermudah hidup Player Genshin. Author sendiri sebelum update 3.0 hanya pernah farming 3 kali di Domain Crimson, dan selalu mendapat artifact Lavawalker. Author masih kesulitan pada segi farming artifact karena karakter yang sudah dibuild masih sangat sedikit dan sisanya masih work in progress jadi dengan adanya update Strongbox Thor sangat diuntungkan. 

Perlu diketahui kalau sistem Strongbox juga menggunakan sistem random seperti domain artifact biasa yang berarti Artifact yang kita terima tidak akan pasti memiliki stats yang bagus. Saran Thor jika kalian ingin menggunakan fitur Strongbox, lebih baik kalian farming di satu domain artifact yang bisa kalian selesaikan dan mengubah artifact tersebut dengan Strongbox menjadi artifact type yang kalian incar. 

Thor juga sangat menyarankan kalian farming dulu yang banyak sebelum mengubah artifact. 
Dibawah adalah daftar semua Artifact Strongbox yang dapat diakses di Mystic Offerings:

1. Gladiator's Finale
2. Bloodstained Chivalry
3. Wanderer's Troupe
4. Noblesse Oblige
5. Thundering Fury
6. Thundersoother
7. Viridescent Venerer
8. Maiden Beloved
9. Archaic Petra
10. Retracing Bolide
11. Crimson Witch of Flames
12. Lavawalker
13. Blizzard Strayer
14. Hearth of Depth

Kalau melihat lineup ini kita bisa menyimpulkan kalau semua artifact essencial kini bisa kita akses dengan lebih mudah. Artifact wangi, hidup bahagia (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Sekian dari Author, semoga resin kalian selalu penuh, selalu menang 50/50, dan selalu dapat stats terbaik di Artifact kalian. 

Saya Ruyi. Sampai ketemu di lain waktu. 

Continue reading Artifact Strongbox. Penyelamat karakter